Ten years of experience with herpes zoster vaccine in primary care.


eMediNexus    12 September 2019

The purpose of a new study published in Vaccine was to examine changes in healthcare providers perceptions and practices related to herpes zoster (HZ) disease and vaccination. The present study entailed the administering surveys to national networks of primary care physicians in 2005, 2008 and 2016. The results revealed that ten years after Zoster vaccine live (ZVL) was first licensed, physicians had a higher probability to perceive HZ as a serious disease, they more strongly recommended ZVL and were less likely to report several major barriers to HZ vaccination such as patient cost, vaccine effectiveness and competing medical concerns. From the findings, it was concluded that physician attitudes appear to be more favorable towards zoster vaccination after a decade of availability of a HZ vaccine. It was further stated that the new recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) may benefit from physicians’ increased perception of the importance of HZ vaccination.

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